There was, as you may have heard, a lot of interest last month in the opening of a branch of Abercrombie & Fitch in London’s Mecca of masculine couture, Saville Row.
It is hard to know what scandalised people more: the fact that a chain store like A&F had dared to invade a street that was, hitherto, the exclusive home of bespoke tailoring for the wealthy and elite; or the fact that the hoardings and bus-sides marking this brash incursion into English sobriety should have featured a young man with jeans that were so low-slung that they saucily revealed rather more than what polite society considers proper!

And while the aristocartic customers of Saville Row were getting over that shock, our friends ae Ginch Gonch have been up to more antics with the Ginch Gonch Boys, Benjamin and Ethan, setting off on a tour of the USA wearing pants, boots, smiles and not much else...

…while the GG girls have been making their own Mae Western understatement!

Also the boys and girls came out to play in an outrageous video promoting GG's latest ‘Nice Guns’ range.
I hope this film - featuring as it does both lads and lasses - may escape the usual charges levelled at this blog of pandering to homoeroticism --- although, having said that, while the gender of the participants is most definitely mixed, it’s probably safe to say that the only things that are truly straight are their seams!
"...the only things that are truly straight are their seams!" ~ and there are hardly any of those in evidence either!
Nope, nothing straight here at all ~ it's all curves.
Fantastic ! What a great advert. It does, however, completely refute your assertion that the addition of a bit of random totty will render you free from allegations of gratutious use of yet more semi-clad gentlemen in your faux investigation into the world of advertising.It's outrageous ! Why doesn't that nice Mr Cameron do something !
(In a coincidence that only the bizzarre world of Blogs seems capable, my security letters to sign in were ARSHIDE)
Personally, Boll (if I may?), I'd have said that film contained quite a bit of totty -- and botty (if not titty) totty at that! -- but I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder!
As for 'ARSHIDE': how UTTERLY BRILLIANT is that? Especially since it's the one thing they DIDN'T do!!! ;-))
GILL writes to say...
"Here I am opening your blog in anticipation of the books in 12 words comp. [closing day yesterday] and what do I find? MORE BOTTOMS!
I shall be having words with the Duchess........"
Great promo. If my job was to powder a young girl's pert buttocks I'd probably have a big cheesy grin on my face every minute of the day.
After sitting in edits with clients debating the size of the pack shot... er, let's not go there.
Loved the strap line "Stick 'em Up!" Except now I have to mop the coffee up from the desk.
GILL - Apologies to the Duchess...
GOOD DOG - Sorry about the coffee...
Ah, hitch-hikers. I'd stop for them.
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