Here – to parody Tolkien – is the Long-Expected Press Release.
Doubtless there will be more blog-posts as publication - like the lengthening shadow of Mordor – looms...
Also coming (and potentially very hobbit-forming) are The Lord of the Rings LEGO sets! What else...?

Here's the starter set: The Nine Walkers - The Fellowship of the Ring – as Tolkien could never have envisaged them!

What can one say....?
"We wants it, we needs it. Must have it, precious..."
Relieved to see that the figures include LEGOlas!
Brian is it true you are in NZ now? I read in a post on FB. I was passing through Hobbit country only the other weekend. Would love to hear more... how, if you are down here, long are you staying?
Hi, Diane. No, sadly, not in NZ at present. I was there last September but I'm currently in London trying to finish the first of my Hobbit film books for publication later in the year. Sorry we can't meet up.
Hey Brian, first post on my Blog in aaages, and the first time I've drawn Tolkien in aaaaaaaaaages. Hope you like it:
By the way, did you get my email?
So sorry, Andrew, yes I got your e-mail but am chasing an hysterically crazy deadline which gives me little time to eat or sleep let alone correspond on IMPORTANT matters! Will try to move the e-mail to you that is currently sitting in my Draft-box closer to 'Send'! :)
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