Sunday, 23 July 2006


In a recent post, Anna at bluelikethis (a blog, by the way, of which I am a big fan) took the cultural leap from reading Time magazine to listening to Disney music - possibly (ego says "Yes"!) on a series called Ain't No Mickey Mouse Music currently being reprised on BBC Radio 2 'Listen Again'.

Actually, it wasn't so much of a leap, as one small step for a mouse, since Disney's films (and the latter-day ups and down in the kingdom of pixie-dust) have been continuously chronicled in the pages of Time and interestingly - though not surprisingly - the Mouse-meister was, personally, twice featured on the cover: on 27 December 1937, celebrating the landmark release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; and on the same date in 1954, when Disney was moving into his second 'Golden Age' of animation and diversifying into television and - his own unique invention - the theme-park business, brand-named: 'Disneyland'.

Click on images to enlarge.

Regardless of whether or not you are a Disney fan, there are many fascinating examples of Time cover-art and articles from over eighty years of publishing to be found in the excellent Time Archive.

1 comment:

  1. Your ego is surprisingly accurate ;-) I've really been enjoying the show. I love the way Diane Disney breaks into song so often.

    These covers are delightful. I just want to read the articles inside! Unfortunately, the leap from Time to Disney this week was a little more strenuous...
