Tuesday, 11 July 2006


Early yesterday morning, on my way to the doctor’s surgery, I passed the adjacent chemist shop, outside which were sitting the sales assistant and the pharmacist - enjoying a healthy cigarette while awaiting the arrival of the key-holder.

A postman delivering a package to the pharmacy was directed to the two smokers by the man from the next-door convenience store.

The postman’s approach line was intriguing: “You’re part of the chemistry, ain’t you?”


Still on the subject of questions…

I’ve been killing time, while waiting for doctors, by reading a proliferation of leaflets, many of which usefully raise new anxieties and concerns that you may then wish to share with your physician when you eventually get to see him.

Certainly, the majority of these publications reinforce my conviction that Life is far too COMPLICATED for a mere mortal…

This leaflet, for example, has made me exceptionally anxious…

The trouble is, I don’t seem to HAVE any “Head Lice Questions” that require answering…

Worse still, I honestly didn’t know that I NEEDED any…

1 comment:

  1. The real question is . . .
    What sort of questions do 'Head Lice' ask?
