Monday, 14 August 2006


That's Greek for DESTINATION: KALYMNOS --- if we're lucky!

Tomorrow, we're supposed to be flying off to Kalymnos, via Athens, but like everyone attempting to travel just now, we can't be sure...

The daily horror stories about last-minute cancellations and flights being forced to take off without all the passengers on board because of the difficulties involved in getting through security means that we may or may not be headed for Greece this time tomorrow...

If we make it, then for the next month blogs may be a little less frequent (depending on the reliability of dial-up in the Dodecanese!) but - if and when they occur - they'll hopefully introduce you to the idyllic island of Kalymnos and, specifically, to the delightfully idiosyncratic village of Emporios...

If we don't make it, then blogging will be resumed without further delay and you can expect a good deal of ranting! Meanwhile, you can at least read my thoughts about a place that I call Heaven on Earth.

I know they say that it’s better to travel hopefully than to arrive, but frankly I think - when it comes to holidays - that bit of homespun philosophy is probably best described as όρχεις ------ which, basically, is Greek for B - - - - - - - -!!


  1. Travel safely, Brian! Looking forward to hear all about your travels.

  2. If i'm lucky, then i'll be on Captain Corelli's Island next week...

    Meanwhile, i wish you to arrive in Emporios right on time for the local πανηγύρι-there must be one tomorrow, as there is one in every Greek village on the 15th of August.

    Have a great time!

  3. Yes, tomorrow (or today, I think) is panigy'rj, but travelling via Athens means we arive after the Festival... However, our hosts are saving us some of the traditional panigy'rj feast of roast goat to sup on when we arrive on Wednesday...

    Thanks to Cafrine and yourself for the good wishes - and, by the way, Dodos, I like your artwork very much! Especially the dogs howling at the Greecian moon. In Kalymnos, however, it's more likely to be the sound of the local cockerels that seem to keep on crowing - on and off - morning, noon and night!:-)

  4. Have a great time Brian - I'm sure you'll get there which is more than I can say for us flying to Edinburgh as the domestics are being cancelled with great abandon.

    Hope you and David have a relaxing and re-energizing time. Look forward to seeing you on, possibly 11th Setptember for an uninspiring lecture but a supper of bonhomie afterwards - and hopefully food as well!
