Monday, 13 November 2006


My Blog is a bouncing six-months old, today!

Here's how it started...
SATURDAY, May 13th, 2006


This is the first blog of a Reluctant Blogger who will either never be heard from again or will soon be cluttering up cyberspace with his rantings and ravings...
Hmmm! Yes, well....

The result of half-a-year of daily - sometimes twice-daily - blogging is a total of 248 posts - plus another 99 on my four other bogspots...

All of which amounts to rather a lot of words and quite a lot of pictures. Admittedly, most of my postings have been of no particular worth other than as a means to keep myself thinking and writing during a time with no professional work but for that, at least, I am most grateful...

So, "Thank you, Blog!" and "Many Happy Returns!"

[Cartoon by The Cincinnati Enquirer's incomparable Jim Borgman].


  1. Better still, the child could go onto iChat!

    Many happy re-blogs of the day.

  2. Aw, Happy anniversery. Or Half-Year-Versery! It's been an entertaining time for us all.

    (Psst! Bogspots? :) Don't change. Too priceless!)

  3. You mean, it's NOT "bogspots"???

  4. Well done, Brian! I used to think blogs (bogs?) were a waste of time, but keep up the good work!
    I am now in the habit of logging on daily to see what you have to say, and, thanks to you, to have a good laugh on!

  5. Thanks Oneandall!

    If I can just master the art of spelling, everything will be humpy-donkey.

  6. Happy half-birthday, Brian.
    Hope to continue reading you for another few to come.

  7. And many happy returns from me too, Brian. I haven't been reading as long as some of these other people but I can see why they keep returning!

    I can see a time when we're all saying "where would we be without blogs?"

    As for bogs...well we're already grateful for them!
