Thursday 9 November 2006


There’s really no limit to what people will get snobby about, is there?

If someone enquires how you are and you just happen to mention how many pills you take in a day, you’ll pretty soon discover that they are taking MORE!

The competitiveness is astonishing! One would think we’d all be glad to be taking FEWER than other people and would be utterly jubilant if we didn’t have to take any at all! But no, we immediately start comparing tallies and - if you’re not very careful - daily strengths in milligrams, too!

Anyway, having got very fed up with my personal pill per diem - which irritatingly varies according to which day of the week it happens to be - I decided to try and think of my medication as a FRIEND and put together a little smiley Pill-Person to remind myself that he is (supposedly, at least) looking after me…

Neverthless, there are days when the famous “unwanted side-effects” are troublesome and then he obviously wears a slightly different expression --- as, indeed, do I!


  1. My thought process:

    Must take pills =>> Am sad about taking pills =>> Make sad smilie face to reflect mood =>> Find sad smilie face hopelessly adorable =>> Am cheered up =>> Take pills. Yippee! Problem solved.


  2. And those of us who have next to no pills to take should be happy! Just makes you think doesn't it... I only have to take one a day and I manage to forget even that when I'm on holiday!

  3. You don't call those pills do you ? They're smarties ! I can show you real pills - so big even a horse needs a glass of water.

  4. Dear Anonymous: It's all a matter of perspective; what YOU don't know is how big the plate is! ;-)
