Thursday, 18 January 2007


When my friend 'Scrooge' reads today's blog he will, undoubtedly, be the first to point out that I always seem to be looking for an opportunity to post pictures of gentlemen in various states of undress --- invariably under the flimsy pretext of making some shallow observation about the use of sexual innuendo by the advertising industry!

He has, you might say, got me banged to rights as This Blog or That Blog make abundantly clear!

So, this time, I’ll spare you the essay and just post these two (before-and-after?) photographs from a recent, trendy black-and-white, glossy magazine photo shoot…

…and leave you add your own comments!

PS: If I was going to make an observation (which, as I say, I’m not) it would be that one really does have to tip one’s hat to models who manage to carry off such potty assignments and still manage to look as though they were doing something rather more dignified!

For those of you not used to visiting my daily Window Gazing blog, today might be as good as any to check out a photograph I've entitled Sacred & Profane. After all, it's as well get this kind of thing over with in one go, don't you think?


  1. I agree with Mr Scrooge. Plus us girls are entitled to a bit of eye candy too!

  2. Naturally, Suzanne, this is Whateveryourgender-friendly Blog! ;-)

    Mind you, I still think they look a bit bloody daft standing there with their trousers at half-mast... Maybe it's because there are three of them and yet they are hardly a threesome...

    Perhaps, in reality, their belts and braces all gave way at the same time...

    Who knows...?

    Who cares?!

  3. Yum! Eye candy. I like eye candy. What a welcome distraction from the daily grind. Thank you, Brian.

  4. Remind me not to buy a belt buy that company !

  5. Well eye-candy YES, but those expressions still look more constipated than dignified .
