"Thou shalt love the Lord iPod with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might... for iPod is a jealous pod, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me..."
I'm so glad I took those photos when I did - the signs themselves have all been stolen!
The saying used to go "if it's not screwed down it'll be stolen"... What does one have to do now for something not to be stolen? Mould it in concrete with 10 ft foundations? Incredible.
ReplyDeleteScrooge - iPod is, indeed, a brand name of Apple Inc (along with iPhoto, iTunes etc); on the BBC, you are only allowed to use the term "mp3 player", so as not to imply endorsement.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm sure various sci-fi movie astronauts have used 'pods' to sleep away the decades of time from here to the second star on the right or to go outside the mothership to carry out the repairs that are always required in Act II...
Indeed, wasn't it in just such a pod in 'Alien' that Miss Weaver had an uncomfortably close encounter with a Big, Shiny, Slimy Thing with a Lot of Teeth while stripped down to her undies?
Suzanne - Actually these signs were such a blot on the landscape, that I'm really not sorry! I didn't, but I could very easily have stolen them myself --- just to free our road of one more ugly, untidy or unnecessary piece of 'street furniture'!
You're quite right of course Brian. "Sign, sign, everywhere a sign..."
ReplyDelete...and half of them signifying nothing!
ReplyDeleteI wish someone would steal all the ipods worn by the people who share my 4 train carriages per day with me-- I am driven mad by the constant chr chr chr chring. My husband seriously suggested to me that I get an ipod to tune them all out. But I want SILENCE, to read my book or paper. Please will someone invent a magnetron to remove all sound-inducing tinny cha chas from these wretched modern Baals (and they can have the signs as well if they want them!)?(this is what is known as "a comment from the heart! you struck a bit of a nerve with your post, Brian.)
ReplyDeleteYes, well, I sympathise, Maxine. On some Intercity lines there are 'quiet' carriages, although I've known people hold loud telephone conversations in them and no one (except me) be brave enough to ask them to move...
ReplyDeleteThe overspill from mp3 players is very disturbing; perhaps you should get one yourself and try nature sounds (rather than music) to read by - I find sea surf recordings very therapeutic and it would (or MIGHT) drown the others!
Howard Shore would tempt me, Brian, so there's a thought. I can't listen to too much of that magnificent music.
ReplyDeleteWas Kevin McCarthy running down the street shouting "You're next ! You're next !" ? :)