Friday 20 April 2007


Remember when we were kids and we used to buy new outfits for our Barbies or Action Men?

Well, now - in this mad, mad, mad, mad world of ours - you can kit out your iPod with its very own little mp3 wardrobe - from under garments...

To a wide range fancy dress oufits for party-going...

It is possible, of course, that by dressing up your iPod as a doll, you may deter all but the weirdest iPod theives!

Discover the whole crazy range at iAttire and start collecting TODAY!


  1. iSee, but iThink, iT's s tiLl iBonkers!
    At least they give the chance to have this shipped under 'plain wrapper' along with those other items to which the mail service may take exception if they suspected the nature of the contents.

  2. I do feel very sorry for folks who think that they are expressing their "individuality" when they buy a ready-made set of "customisations" for their iPod.

  3. Saints preserve us! In the words of Richard Wilson...I DON'T BELIEVE IT.

  4. If I was ever thinking of buying an Ipod, this might put me off... then again so might the rip-off prices. Don't think much to those underpants though. I'm suprised they feature in your site. I thought you were more into the boxers !

  5. Boxers? No, wrestlers, surely?


  6. No comment! (That's called keeping it brief!)

  7. Hahahahahaha!!!
    Ah, that's great. :)
    I kind of like the vampire one.

  8. Will Buttons will be spending his pocket money
    on No.3....? Just wish iPods had a built in road safety
    feature - users are completely oblivious to vehicles
    when crossing roads! That was a circuitous route to to underpants on the blog again - is a de-briefing in order?!
