Thursday, 10 May 2007


So, I've been disagnosed as having Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - in both wrists!

The question now is whether or not to have either or both operated on.

Of course, the moment you get anything in this life, you immediately find yourself in conversation with people who know ALL about it --- and TELL you, beginning with a long, sharp intake of breath through clenched teeth and a pitying shake of the head...

"Oh, dear, my cousin had that... Well, not my cousin but a friend of hers... Well, not exactly a friend, but someone she knew - or, rather, met at a bus stop... Anyway, the thing is she had it and afterwards couldn't play the piano... Mind you, of course, she couldn't play the piano before having the operation... etc, etc..."

Not sure it's necessarily the best advice, but certainly the most amusing was proffered by my agent who said: "Brian, if you haven't reached the state of wanting to slash your own wrists, I'm not sure you should be letting anyone else do it!"


  1. Could I be more positive and say I knew someone who had it, had the operation and is now much better.That's surely a more positive slant !

  2. Brian

    Sorry to hear about the wrists. Have you thought about sending Buttons on a touch typing course?

  3. I was diagnosed with that once... got sent for further tests and it disappeared!

  4. Time to invest in a copy of Dragon Dictate, perhaps...!

  5. my mum had that. she had the operation, totally fine now.

  6. Thanks for all the thoughtful thoughts and helpful hints, guys!

  7. Brian - sorry to hear about the wrists. Must be all the time typing away that caused it huh?

    I have a few friends that had the surgury (to one wrist) and they are totally fine now.
