Friday, 3 August 2007


I have, in rapid succession, received FOUR e-mails from:

Yolanda Q Butts
Yolanda P Butts
Yolanda M Butts
Yolanda T Butts

These communications (offering the recipient the opportunity to obtain something called a Mega-Dick, whatever that may be) are, however, all - rather disappointingly - addressed to:

Minnie E Montes
Minnie Z Montes

Minnie F Montes
Minnie H Montes

Now, as I thought most people knew, the Montes Quadruplets moved away from here more years ago than I care to remember; so, unfortunately, I am unable to pass on their mail...

Never mind, by the very same e-delivery came two very similar offers: this time for ME and, rather surprisingly, from Jonathan Miller and Jesus!


  1. But not Yolanda F Butts, I see!

    (ie no Fs but plenty of Butts)

    Part of what keeps me going here on the barren outskirts of rain-drenched Limerick is the number of friends, colleagues and family members who keep sending me cards each morning. I never received one before I came out here - and who knew I had so many friends? - but it helps to lift the spirits getting here each morning to see how many folks across the water are thinking enough of me to send cards each day.

  2. Well, that's odd because I'm nowhere near Limerick and I'm ALSO getting zillions of cards - from Pals, Chums, Neighbours, Mates, School-Friends etc - using such reputable greetings companies as 'Halmark' [sic]...

    The sad thing is, in the rapid deletion of these spamster communications, we might just be binning GENUINE electronic greetings...

  3. GILL writes...

    I have sometimes been irritated that all my email comes through my office server and therefore filters out anything it considers to be spam [and sometimes isn't], having read the blog and the comments, I think I am rather pleased and will not complain further!

    An email from Jesus sounds interesting though.........

  4. I'm just fed up that anyone thinks that I need my penis enlarged - never had any complaints before!

    Maybe not having one at all accounts for that though...

  5. How about this then? I got a few e-mails some time ago trying to see me VIAGRA of all things! Can someone please tell me what a woman on her own can do with Viagra?
    Yes Brian, I'm back from my holidays, where I discovered a beeeeoootiful country!

  6. Which country might that be, then...??

  7. Morocco, Brian, Sorry! Only just got home half an hour ago and I'm still very hazy from the 2 hour time difference, very little sleep and a week's driving and walking round in 46°!

  8. It's been a mere 30° in the UK today and THAT felt HOT!!!

  9. There's a wonderful, gibberish poetry to the names of people who send me spam email. I often wish I'd made a note of all of them and the titles of their emails.
