Thursday, 9 August 2007


After the recent BBC / Annie Leibovitz / HM Queen photo-shoot debacle, it's good to see that the relationship between the media (especially photographers) and the Royal Family is back on an even keel...

Of course, just as we didn't know whether the Queen was coming or going in that TV documentary, it isn't easy to know whether Prince Hal was photoshoped before or after he'd stripped down to his boxers...

You can read an excerpt from Radar's article here.


  1. Please, please, please...

    Use “retouched” instead of the non-word “photoshoped”. I use Photoshop for a living (and have done since the heady days of version 1) and it has the same effect as tinfoil on fillings to hear that word.

    And the results of people that work with Photoshop and use that word? The sort of thing on that RADAR cover - badly chopped-together, out-of-proportion and with mismatching lighting. If I’d ever submitted that sort of thing when doing the Adidas account, I’d have been shot.

    Sorry, but it’s a bit of a bugbear for people that use it for a living... :-(

  2. But he only did it because there hadn't been a picture of a guy in wearing boxers/briefs for days - right?

  3. RIDLEY WALKER - Sorry!

    LisaH - Banged to rights!

  4. Riddley - that's extraordinary. I've also been using Photoshop for about 312 years and have never heard anyone complain about using the word "photoshopped".
    I couldn't honestly name one person I know who works in design, animation, illustration or photography that DOESN'T use it.

  5. RIDDLEY - PS: I think if I had used the word "retouched" in connection with that particularly photo it might have seemed a little salacious!

  6. @Brian - I think you’re probably right on the nail there, you naughty thing!

    @Elliot - I’m only going on my experience, but don’t we have enough bastardised words (like ‘disorientated’) without adding that horrifying mess to the oeuvre? ;-) And I could probably name a whole slew of people who cringe when they hear it.

  7. NO! We should have MORE invented silly words.
    This is a BLOG after all.
    This issue is making me all vexcerbated.

  8. 'Vexcerbated' I like!!!

    Sorry for the delay in publishing the comment, Elliot - which must have considerably ADDED to your vexcerbation! ;-)

  9. Elliot, you do have a point there, plus I ADORE “vexcerbated”! I shall be casually dropping it into polite conversation whenever possible from now on. ;-)

  10. Yes, it is a stupamazing word.
