Tuesday 18 September 2007


There is a simple rule that needs to be understood about Greece:

Basically, it isn't quite finished yet...

However, while work is evidently very much 'still in progress', at least we didn't see too much evidence of that malaise commonly known as Great British Klutziness that is so eloquently depicted in the photograph below...

Oh, well, as the song says...

"It all makes work
for the working man to do!"


  1. That's not a spoiled view Mr B. In the summer we were driving on the main road into Mahon on Menorca and counted thirteen cranes visible over the pretty towns skyline.Now THAT'S a spoiled view !

  2. (Ja, ja) that is what we (foreigners) call: "english humour", don`t ask me why...

    Well, I worked some time in restoration of works of art, and Greece have many of them, in the open air. Is very difficult preserve monuments of... how many years? about two thousand and five hundred, I think...

    Don`t worry Mr. Sibley, in my country we use to say tha when a ditch is open for some work in the street, a dozen see how one work...
