Saturday, 22 September 2007


Being just back from Greece, where smoking is NOT an issue, it is very curious to see so many ugly NOSMOKING notices slapped up everywhere and the harried huddles of smokers trying to find doorways that are not now designated NOSMOKING doorways...

Anyway, whoever thought it was witty to decorate a "Smoking Room" with this ceiling painting must now be kicking themselves for having wasted their dosh on commissioning the contemporary Michelangelo responsible for the work...

Since being legally defined as "an enclosed space", this Smoking Room must actually now be a Nosmoking Smoking Room!


  1. I have to say, though, that I love that ceiling 'mural'. Great idea!!

  2. What a great picture - mind you the smokers will, of course, realise it obviously doesn't have any message for them. I know what you mean about the ugly no-smoking signs. Many is the time I've sat in a pub and looked at them thinking how much I happier I'd be to breath in someones secondhand smoke and sit in a murky,hazy smoke-laden atmosphere and have to wash all my clothes after only wearing them for a short time if only I didn't have to look at such hideous signs.

  3. BOLL - Goodness! How can you manage to be so ironic so early in the morning?

    I usually can't manage irony like that until mid-afternoon! ;-)

  4. years of practice Mr B. You can't do it because you're too nice ;-)

  5. Great responses by Rob and Boll. And just think how much healthier it is for smokers to be puffing away outside in the fresh air....
