Sunday, 9 September 2007


The Greeks say...

Never promise a CANDLE to a SAINT...

...or a DOUGHNUT to a CHILD!


Any helpful suggestions as to why this saying comes under the category of WISDOM will be gratefully received!

Image: © Brian Sibley, 2007


  1. Well, as a mum and having worked a lot with kids, I can say that if you promise anything to a kid, they will remember and pester you until you do as you promised, so I suppose it's the same with the saints... they probably have some way of reminding you of your promise!

  2. ...for you will spur on both to unseemly indulgence !

  3. because.... is better promise the doghnut to the saint and the candle to the child..???..

  4. Is it a jam doughnut or ring doughnut? Either way, that is a stunning photograph. Great composition.

  5. GILL comments...


    I guess you can never have failed on a promise of sweetness to a child [or been witness to this], the fireworks, noise and copious amounts of salt water are terrifying.

    The thought of what a saint could do about a broken promise: lightening-bolts... thunder... tropical rain.... doesn't bear thinking about!

    So, I guess it translates as "Don't make promises that you may break, the outcome is likely to be earth shattering!"
