Wednesday 29 August 2007


The Greeks say...

If it were not for


...the HEART would BREAK

Being on the furthermost point of a small island without TV or radio and with only occasional sight of a newspaper, we had only the vaguest idea of the modern tragedy that is currently unfolding in Greece.

The first we knew of the seriousness of the situation was when we began receiving texts from friends concerned in case we were in danger from the fires that are now ripping through the mainland and many of the islands leaving people dead and homeless...

Well, we are safe and sound, but from the terrifying pictures in a Greek newspaper that reached here yesterday, there is no doubting the fearfulness of this crisis or the heartbreaking pain of the Greek people.

I might add that - as British Citizens - we feel deeply embarrassed that, almost alone among European countries (with the exception of that old enemy, Turkey), Britain has not offered aid to beleaguered Greece. 'Of course,' they say with a sad shake of the head, 'we understand: you have to ask George Bush for permission!'

We can only hope that that situation will change and that the terror now gripping a noble nation will find relief and resolution before there is more death, damage and disaster...

Image: © David Weeks, 2007


  1. The images of men facing the huge flames at the edge of their village, while women, children and the aged were seeking shelter in the village's church, somehow restored one's faith in humanity: when such a crisis comes up, we are all there, in our right places, fighting, praying, hoping for the best- as humans always do...

  2. Yesterday I was thinking "Is extrange that Mister Sibley don`t say nothing about this drama"...

    With 64 deaths is not only a ecological drama...

    I didn`t know that Britain, at this moment, has not offered aid and technical support. (¿?) My country gave, as long as Greece need it, two airplanes,(we are in red alert, almost the all summer, for the risk of forests fires, specially the south, and Portugal, very damage this year with this drama, our neighbours are recieving aid too from spanish airplanes and helicopters.)

    The destruction of a forest fire, apart from the lost of human beings (the real tragedy), is the consecuence for the future of the land, will we have time to see again the same landscapes?, will we have time to harvest the same fruit, the same vegetables, as we used to pick from the tress?

    Hope, hope... is the last that you can lost.

  3. Glad that you're both okay. Tried to phone, but couldn't get through. This seemed the only way to communicate.
    Take care
    Richard and Chris x

  4. Sorry Brian - it's not that we don't care, we thought the fires were on the mainland only and were delighted that you were both safe on an island.

    Didn't know the fires had reached the islands till I just read it on your blog!

    Glad you are OK though and hope you are resting well and having fun.

  5. DIVA - Thanks! Our island (along with all those in the Dodecanese) is fine...

    The good news is that the crisis on the mainland and on some of the other islands seems to be abating - we'll see you all very soon now ---- as much as we love you, TOO SOON!! ;-)

    Good luck to Rob for TMC-AGM results...
