Saturday, 3 November 2007


"Where are the photos of Amsterdam?" several of you have been asking... Well, there will be some, never you fear! Oh, yes!

Meanwhile, here is one that I captured somewhat by chance.

I had gone to Nemo, the city's fascinating museum of science and technology, with David, but had not really felt up to fully exploring the wonders of this spectacularly inter-active venue, the motto of which is: "It is forbidden NOT to touch!"

Anyway, I was taking it easy with an afternoon cuppa when, suddenly, the most amazing golden sunset set me snapping...

Click on image to enlarge

Image © Brian Sibley, 2007


  1. A beautiful silhouette Brian. I particularly like the fact that the more distant tower is a lighter shape compared with the closer bolder one.
    Visit Andy's Animation!

  2. That's a nice picture and that tower looks even better close up as its perched by the side of a canal (well everything is really I suppose). I hope you went onto the roof of Nemo - there's a fantastic view to be had there.

  3. lovely photo Brian - hope you had a good time in Amsterdam.
    Thinking of you here in lovely Gran Canaria.
