Here in the UK, right now, it's pretty damn chilly (0 degrees last evening in Greenwich) and so I've taken to reaching for the packet of instant porridge-oats in the belief (ingrained from a lifetime of seeing Readybrek commercials) that it will give me a warm inner glow akin to a kind of visible radiation!
Also, as an unrepentant lover of puns, it gives me a daily opportunity to smile at a product name that is ridiculously corny but - in a frightfully British Carry-On-to-the-End-of-the-Pier kind way - mildly amusing...
Someone else who has been taking precautions against the cold is my friend Buttons...
Pictures on buttons' blog last winter of him playing in the snow raised concerns for his welfare among several readers.
Regular correspondent, GILL, wrote:
Where are Buttons' gloves and scarf? And wellies? He must have been a very wet, cold rabbit. I shall knit him a scarf immediately!
Gill (President of the Keep A Rabbit Dry Society)
To which Buttons replied:
thank you for your concern, gill, i think i need to join your society as brian and david can be very thoughtless at times... meanwhile, i shall look forward to my scarf; will it be in the society's colours and have a badge on it like harry potters?
And Gill responded:
Please tell Buttons it will certainly be in the Society's colours and have a badge!
Then, a few weeks ago, a surprise package arrived...
To see Buttons in his new winter warmer, visit buttons' blog: a rabbit's ramblings.
Nice to see your getting your oats Mr B ! Mind you, the sachets in those packets aren't enough to keep body and soul together as I recall. Positively Scrooge-like portions. Make sure you have at least two at a time. Either that or you could cook that rabbit.There looks a bit of good meat on him....
ReplyDeleteHmmmm, then perhaps Mild Oats?
ReplyDeleteAhhh- puns are relegated to a prank call by Bart Simpson or a flavor of Ben N Jerry's. I try to use them in my work as much as I can. My template for proper pun use in animated ads or episodes of the work of Jay Ward. The Ruby Yacht of Omar Kayam, 2 Chips Passing In Their Nikes, Or Jogging Their Memories-Down The Lane...