Friday, 29 February 2008


You would think, with all the technological advances available to modern transportation that getting around ought to be easier than it is...

SUZANNE writes...
On Saturday, I went for a 25 km walk in the Ardennes - through the woods and over very hilly country.

But we were puzzled as to how we were supposed to get across this level crossing...

Ideas and suggestions welcome!
Tricky one, that, Suzanne. Maybe some antipodean readers will have the answer...


  1. Surely you have misread the sign ? It does not relate to you at all but merely warns motorists to beware of pedestrians walking upside down. Considering that this is not a naturally sustainable position for a pedestrian, I can understand why a sign may be in order.After all, if you were crossing at this point and a human being fell on the roof of your vehicle without any warning, you'd be annoyed and with good reason.Here, all parties can be considered forewarned and there is no problem.Excellent ! Everyone's happy.Another victory for the fine local government officers who put up the sign and, as usual, it is you who are at fault for not appreciating their efforts...

  2. Thanks, Boll, you're undoubtedly right... Stupid of us not to have seen it. Makes one relieved that there are smarter people than most of us in the Sign Departments of the world!! ;-)

  3. By the way... There's another good sign currently on show on the blog of the magical humorist.

  4. I don't mind that they want people to walk on their heads, but insisting that they wear skis whilst doing so seems a bit much,

  5. Except, Qenny, that that COULD be useful in snowy weather because it would ensure that the skis come in contact with the snow more quickly...

  6. That's true, but it's a lot of effort for want of the patience to wait a second or two whilst it settles on the ground where it should be!
