Sunday 3 February 2008


Following your religious convictions can be a costly business, but the Good News is it's actually cheaper than you thought...

Well, at least while stocks last!


  1. I wonder why its been reduced.Is it because there's to be a new one coming out soon ? It's long overdue.I can't imagine a publisher not demanding a sequel having had such a successful first part... I wonder what the plot would be.I suspect it would be very violent.
    If The Bible has been in print since it was first published you would imagine a book shop could be pretty sure of getting rid of its stock at some stage without it being remaindered.I understand the prophetic works of Nostradamus have also never been out of circulation.Perhaps we have a need to know and be assured of the future...I'm not bothered myself.As they say, "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof" where did that come from...

  2. With the apocrhypha...? It must be a protestant bible... good price anyway.

  3. BOLL - Yep! That bookshop definitely knows something the rest of us don't! As for a sequel - what a great idea! Have you suggested it to the Author?

    EUDORA - Indeed! WITH 'Apocrypha'!! The full works: Holy Writ AND the Doubtful Stuff as well - and all for the somewhat odd (but certainly bargain) price of £8.40.

  4. "...the Good News is... "
    The thing is, you see, this is NOT, the 'Good News' version, but the 'The Revised Standard'!
    Give me the Authorised anytime ~ at least you know where you are with that version.
