Thursday, 15 May 2008


Next time you settle back on the psychologist's couch and prepare to face the challenge of confronting your Ego and your Super-Ego, enjoy the added comfort afforded by a pair of --- Freudian Slippers...

And if your psychologist pushes you too far and your tortured Id finally rebels, you can always use them to give him a good slippering! After all, as Sigmund himself observed: "Sadism is all right in its place, but it should be directed to proper ends..."


  1. Its interesting that you should mention Freud at this time as only last night I found him creeping into one of my coursework essays in the shape of Professor Calculus from the Tintin cartoons. I'd always assumed that dear Cuthbert was heavily based on him with his stereotypical Jewish doctor looks and his penchant for using a pendulum and hypnotism to get him out of difficult situations.
    I do think there are certain facial similarities with the slippers but that may be because his face is firmly implanted in my subconscious....

  2. Muppet Freud! That's disturbing on very many levels.

  3. Where on earth did you manage to find them?
    I wonder if they're part of a range of iconic figure nightwear. Maybe there's a Dali Lama dressing gown, Pope John Paul II pyjamas, Florence Nightingale nightie and William Shakespeare bed socks.

  4. BOLL - I'd never made the connection before, but I'm sure you're right. By the way, there's an interesting article I came across about the shape of spectacles and why round ones - as worn not just by Profs Calculus and Freud but also by Ghandi and Frank Lloyd Wright - suggest intelligence!

    CAFRINE - Welcome back! You are right, but who else would Miss Piggy turn to after she's been binge-eating or Kermit when he's in one of his "It's not easy being green" moods...? ;-)

  5. LISAH - Excellent suggestions, none of which have - as far as I know - yet been marketed. I'll split any profits with you 50/50!

  6. Professor Calculus?... Professeur Tryphon Tournesol, in spanish: Profesor Tornasol... I never thought he was based in the "icon" of Freud, only in the mad scientist, absent mind..., but not only a scientist, allways with his pendulum... I like the idea boll, I suppose that Hergé had someone in mind...

    Brian, do you think anybody could sleep well with Freud in their feet??

  7. EUDORA - I wonder what the toes would dream about?

  8. I always thought Prof Calculus looked more like Einstein.

    I love the slippers by the way. Do you think if they made petticoats they would be Freudian Slips ?!!

  9. SUZY - Maybe Hergé was thinking of Freudstein!

    Freudian slips? Perfect! "I'll just slip into something Freudian," you could say...
