Saturday 3 January 2009


"There have perhaps been no more than three million
true Venetians in all the history of the place:
and this grand insularity,
this sense of queerness and crookedness
has preserved the Venetian character uncannily,
as though it was pickled like a rare intestine
or mummified in lotions."

- Jan Morris

Click on images to enlarge

"Whether for good or ill, they are always

up to something together."

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

"Venetian intelligence was directed solely to the
acquisition of the most difficult of all knowledge,
knowledge of one's self.

- Pompeo Molmenti

Images: Brian Sibley & David Weeks © 2007/8

For more Venice imagery, visit my website to view the album Venice Observed and then follow the links at the foot of that page to three further albums of photographs.

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