Wednesday, 28 January 2009


Sorting through my photographs of New York, I find that I took a great many more snow pictures than I'd realised! Well, as you may know, I have a childlike passion for snow -- nowadays combined, I admit, with a geriatric fear of falling over and being, turtle-like, unable to get up again!

Anyway, here are some snowy photos of trees, bridges, lamp-posts, statues, saxophonists, tobogganing children, basking sealions and polar bears in genuine polar surroundings...

Click on images to enlarge

And you'll find a some new New York windows on my sister blog, Window Gazing.

Images: Brian Sibley, © 2009


  1. Great pics - 'a snowy saxophonist - sounds good. It looks as if you managed to get around quite a bit. Unsurprisingly, you didn't manage to persuade Buttons to pose with the bears.
    Bedati: a photographic composition set on a bed of snow

  2. A lampost ? So you really HAVE been to Narnia....

    hinally : Feeling of butterflies in the stomach associated with the anticipation of the caption competition results.

  3. Being from a relatively snowless land, I too am amused and delighted by snow.
    Right now it is snowing and raining
    at the same time and that is a very different matter altogether...

    Also - the word verification is "wompo" which may be my new nickname for you.
