Thursday, 22 January 2009


Filmed my interview for the Blu-ray DVD of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs today: two solid hours of question-answering, till my voice was as hoarse and raspy as that of the old hag peddling poisoned apples...

Click on images to enlarge

For the benefit of Alex (and anyone else who liked the vintage SW&7D poster I blogged the other day) the picture above is another piece of conceptual art created for Disney's movie by the extraordinary Swedish artist and illustrator, Gustav Tenggren.

And thinking and talking so much about Snow White in her various incarnations has, inevitably, put me in mind of Miss Mae West's famous confession...

I used to be SNOW WHITE...

...but I DRIFTED!

Image of Mae West by Al Hirschfeld


  1. Tenggren's art is so much like Rackham's and his beautiful Peter Pan illustrations - particularly in the colours. If only the processes and constraints of animation allowed each frame of a film to look like these!

  2. I can't see that old crone without thinking of the Snow White spoof done by The Burkiss Way team on their radio show in the seventies where various potential candidates for the role including the stereotypical Scot... "Ye gonna eat these bludy poisonous appil or du ye lake havin stitches in yur forhead ?" I fancy that, had the gentleman been cast at the time, the Disney classic may have had more of an edge to it. Perhaps it may not have suited the traditionalists though.
    Geless : Someone whose own experiences and anecdotes are obviously so far removed from that of the general company that his presence becomes something of an embarassment, ex John Lennon's 'I'm just a geless guy'

  3. Apparently apple cider vinegar and honey, dissolved in water, twice a day, is meant to be good for all ills - including arthritis and scratchy irritated throats more associated with witches - though perhaps it's best to make sure that the vinegar hasn't been made with poisoned apples.
    Yes, the Mae West quote is an absolute gem.
    Is that you free now to return to the Park in the hope that there are some more scantily clad men there today?

  4. ALEX - Tenggren was very influenced by Rackham - particularly in his choice of earthy colours - and by another remarkable Swedish artist, John Bauer. Sadly, it has always been the case that much of the brilliance of animation concept art has got lost in the process of animation...

    BOLL - Yep that would have been a rather different take on the story; dare I say, a tad grim for Grimm...?

    Your 'Word Verification Definitions' are becoming increasingly sureal!

    LISAH - Thanks for the recipe: I checked the mini-bar, but no luck. I could have a small bottle of water for $6...

    Your obsession with seeing semi-clad young men on this blog is shameless! You do realise that to oblige, I'd have start charging a subscription fee... ;-)

  5. I'm with Lisah, sounds like a smart way of making some dosh Mr.B count me in!(Try an infusion of red sage leaves when you return)

    ROSIO:colour of cheeks after posing in snow....
