Monday, 26 January 2009


I guess it's must be a reward for having written so much of late about the Walt Disney Studio that I've been accorded this very special and highly prestigious honour...

Thanks Mickey & Co. I am, quite simply, overwhelmed! And, of course, I'm eagerly awaiting my air tickets to the opening!!

I guess my only reservation is about Brian's Special Holiday Turkey Legs... But, hey!


  1. Only in America!
    A bit spoilt of course by the end credit... still, it was nice while it lasted!

  2. Its long overdue Mr B. You should get your reward as no one has espoused the Disney cause more than you on this side of the pond !
    Quendo : A personalised storybook that seems to have been created on a typewriter and is then given to a child that can't read anyway.

  3. Oh Boy, oh Boy, oh Boy!
    A veritable piece of magic.
    Ousnori: Creating an illusion that disney quite manage to fool the reader but brings a smile to the face.

  4. Thank you for this!!, I send half dozen for family and friends. Oooh, is fantastic.. only in America, yes.

  5. Oh Brian ... and you even get your own entrance, in case you actually get tickets to go.

    Of course you'd think if it was your year in Disneyland, you wouldn't have to pay. :)

  6. Guess what, folks, it turns out to have been (I can hardly bring myself to say it, I am so disappointed!) a JOKE! Who'd have thought it? Not me!! ;-)
