Wednesday 11 February 2009


Or to put it another way...

Click on images to enlarge

Photo by Brian Sibley © 2009; Image created with Wordle.


  1. Verily, well spotted! I wonder who the cars belong to.

    Does anyone know if there's a register of number plates somewhere online?

  2. ANDY - That is the question... ;-)

    LISAH - And that's another good question... :-)

    We have seen both cars driving around London at different times and, a couple of years ago, David managed to take a photo of NOT 2B at some traffic lights, but this time we got lucky. They were parked (presumably outside their house) on the Embankment not far from Albert Bridge and we were stuck in traffic...

    Should the owners be reading this, I do hope they'll take note of the fact that it would be far more effective if they could remember to park their cars the other way around!
