Sunday, 15 March 2009


Here's another of those spoof posters from

And thanks to those of you who sent me possible movie titles that are just One Letter Off from titles with which we are all too familiar.

This was not intended as a competition, although it certainly brought in a flood of entries from one regular correspondent along with more modest submissions from others.

So, no winners (apart from Lisah who wins hands down on quantity) just an opportunity to enjoy each other's wit. However I have awarded ** gold stars ** to the films the editor most wants to see!

Though you may not believe it, this is not the entire list, but it is certainly a list of best...

From Gill...

** Sheepless in Seattle **

The Good the Bed and the Ugly
Lord of the Files
Sweeping Beauty
Lady and the Trump
Pratty Woman
Gone with the Wand

From Sheila...

** How Greek was My Valley **

Animal Fart
(Or, on a similar theme, One With the Wind)
I Capture the Cattle
From Phil...

** Schindler's Lisp **

Wary Poppins
Something Wicker This Way Comes
The Illustrated Nan
Voyage to the Bottom of the Set
The Cowering Inferno
How the Vest Was Won
From Suzanne...

** When Harry Wet Sally **

Fiddler on the Hoof
A Hard Day's Fight
The Bull Monty
Forrest Bump
Mouth Pacific
About a Boy
Boy Story
Big Dish
From Lisah....

** The Fridge over the River Kwai **

Pilates of the Caribbean
The Tree Musketeers
Saturday Night Never
The Devil Fears Prada
The Great Drain Robbery
Blazing Paddles
The Lizard of Oz
The Lazy Killers
Silly Elliot
Hen Hur

Also from Lisa (who has way too much time on her hands)...

The Ring and I, King Pong, The Toad to Rio, Top Bat, Lady and the Gramp, The Hound of Music, Seven Rides for Seven Brothers, The Man Who Would be Kin, The Hall of the Roman Empire, Silent Green, Glade Runner, Bride and Prejudice, Prom Hell, Night of the Living Head, Pry Freedom, Shawstank Redemption, The Battle of the Bunge, Casing Royale, From Prussia With Love, Dr Mo, Coldfinger, Moonfaker, Lie Another Day, Mellow Submarine, Done with the Wind, Star Bars, Potting Hill, Lie Another Day, Dove Actually, Hambi (about a piglet rather than a deer), and El Yid (with Mel Brooks instead of Charlton Heston!)

And, finally, this from Roger...

** None Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest **

Thanks everyone! Going to the movies isn't ever going to be quite the same again!

Images: Worth 1000.


  1. The trouble (and tragedy) is, I'm still thinking about film titles suitable for amending.

  2. I agree with Lisah - it's catchy and good fun!

  3. "The Lizard of Oz" is by far my favourite! "Hen Hur" should be fun to watch too!
    Well done!
