Monday, 11 May 2009


Well, it's 19 years, today, since Mr W and I first shared a significant evening in each other's company.

It wasn't quite what you'd call 'a date', not even a first meeting since we'd already met before on various occasions with mutual acquaintances. It was more in the nature of a getting together in a pub - the Sydney Arms in Chislehurst, for those who like historical facts - for a drink and a chat about various people in our lives (and known rather too well to us both) who had left us hurt and confused. However it started out, it ended up with both of us speculating on the possibility - likelihood, even - of our getting together...

And so, as can happen, one thing led to another and not long afterwards we began a relationship that's sailed (sometimes lurched, but mostly sailed) along for almost two decades.

Thanks, David, for all the loving support and encouragement over those years and - in more recent days - for your patience and tolerance in coping with my various disabilities. I hope we never forget what it was -- whatever it was! -- on that day, nineteen years ago, that brought us close enough to move closer...

And guess what, friends? We've got something very special lined up by way of a celebration today! Yep, I'm spending the day at King's College Hospital being assessed for a hernia operation on Thursday!

Still, next year...


  1. Will have a drink to both of you tonight.
    [but will do it in person at "Artistico" later this year


  2. Thanks, Elaine! When will you be in Emporios?

  3. Arrive 28th Aug am

    Will also have a drink for Iain as today was his birthday [knew there was another reason why I think you two are such special people]


  4. Now I should have been the first to respond ~ but never mind.
    What can I say, I'm touched (well I would have to be now wouldn't I?) Here's to more happy sailing, and thank you for the journey so far.

  5. ELAINE - We'll raise a glass to your Iain tonight, too. See you in August: we're there (God and Thursday's surgeon willing) from 19 August to 9 September and (as I think you know) Roger and Sheila are there around that time, too.

    DAVID - Thanks for not saying, "It feels longer!" ;-)

  6. Congratulations for that 19 years... and good luck with that hernia!

  7. Well done to both of you ! I've only known you as a two but "What a great thing it to go through life in the company of the right person" as Fezziwig said (or at least he did in 1970 version)

  8. Many congratulations to you both - I wish you many happy years to come and lots of good times to share in the future.
    Coincidentally, it's my brother David's 59th birthday today and as he is, unfortunately, seriously ill, my thoughts will be very much with him in hospital.
    But, my thoughts will also be with you Brian, hoping that you pass the assessment and finally get your op. out of the way.

  9. Congratulations to you both and good luck for today - and Thursday. You're going to be really fit for those Artistico evenings after they've sorted you out!

    Elaine - we didn't meet Iain, but we'll drink to him and you today too. Looking forward to September.

  10. Congrats Mr.S!

    Can't say your plans for the day would have been my first choice exactly but then I've never been all that romantic so what would I know? In the right lighting, with a little bit of Tony Bennett, perhaps being sized up for a hernia operation will be quite delightful.

    I do hope it all goes well.

  11. Best wishes from all at the Ascot Hippodrome. The first Metaxas is on you!

    Roger & Sheila
    Bormsiv: That thing with the bass drum and crash cymbal that accompanies the punchline of an old music hall joke.

  12. Congratulations, good health, and all blessings to you both!

  13. Just back from the hospital (after just three-and-a-half hours - which is good because they warned it could take 4-5 hrs!) but won't know until Wednesday afternoon if (a) the blood tests etc are OK for a go-ahead and (b) there's a bed available. Supposing it's 'Yes' to both those questions then it's in at 6:30 am and under the knife sometime during the morning...

    Frankly, I'm TERRIFIED!!Thanks, Everyone, for your lovely messages. David and I very lucky because we have three anniversaries: today; another one in a month's time, marking the day on which we -- well -- anyway, another one; and a third on the date of our Civil Partnership that is not yet two year ago...

    And why not? After all, the Queen (the other Queen that is) has two birthdays and we're easily as 'regal' as she!

  14. PS: SHARON - We'll be thinking of your brother, David, and hoping that the treatment will prove effective.

    PPS: BITTER ANIMATOR - On a more flippant note... Forgot to mention that there was a total absence of Tony Bennett! But two sweet assessment nurses who did their very best to answer all my questions and allay my anxieties.

  15. What a shame you've got to wait another couple of days to find out if it's Green for Go on the Op front.
    I wonder if there will be another anniversary blog in a month's time...
    Thanks for the good wishes re my brother. He was hoping to get out for a couple of hours this evening to have a meal with the family. Unfortunately, he's been scheduled for surgery instead (and I've had to update my 'Happy Birthday' blog to him.)

  16. Yes, the wait is frustrating...

    Another anniversary blog? Probably an event best kept evergreen in the memories of those who were there: i.e., David, myself and the lads from the rugby team! That was a joke... OK? Joke!!So very sorry your brother's birthday meal has had to be cancelled. Since we share the same God, I'll offer up a prayer for his safe-keeping and a hopeful outcome.

  17. GILL comments...

    "Congratulations both, and good luck Brian for the 'go ahead' and then the surgery.

    Much love."
    Thanks, Gill. Fingers crossed!

  18. Good luck Mr B. We'll be thinking of you...

  19. Conrgatulations! I hope you'll celebrate many more anniversaries together. And, Brian, good luck with the surgery!

  20. Congratulations to the pair of you. Having been in relationships that have barely lasted nineteen days, the thought of nineteen years bowls me over.

    Don't go getting worried about the surgery. Think about the ice cream you'll get afterwards.

  21. BOLL, RENA FAN and GOOD DOG - Thanks, guys! Are you sure about the ice cream, GD?

  22. Well, I remember ice cream when I had my tonsils out.

    Congratulations again for actually getting into a hospital. My local medical centre seems to be in lockdown at the moment because of the possible snoutbreak and don't want anyone coming near them.

  23. Yes, GD, but you had ice cream because you'd had your tonsils out. In my case... Oh, well, better not go there...

    The current swine fear is a bit anxious-making - as I was swabbed to check I wasn't going be bringing MRSA into the hospital with me, I couldn't help but wonder (worry) what I'd be taking OUT with me afterwards...

  24. As in 'You dirty rotten swine 'flu, you!
    I reckon it has been over-hyped by the media.
