Thursday, 30 July 2009


Following on from my posting about holy manifestations in and on food I received the following communication from Brother Roger of the Church of Perpetual Nonsense:

Yes, indeed, brothers and sisters - oh, yeah! - I indeed photographed this picture of the Lord (or John Lennon or Osama Bin Liner) Hallelujah! on an olive tree in Skiathos last year...

Praise the Lord! Sheila [Brother Roger's wife] only turned her back for a minute and the water in my glass turned into Metaxas!

I'm saved, I'm saved!!

(OK, you have to "squint a bit" as Anthony Aloysius Hancock, the Boy from East Cheam would have said!)

Too late for jokes, Bro, the tree has already had a shrine built around it and is the subject of an annual pilgrimage!


  1. I can see the faithful now, rocking around the olive tree -- I mean gracefully dancing around the wondrous tree. Good thing a shrine has been built. We wouldn't want people to be venerating the wrong olive, barking up the wrong tree as it were...(Actually, my initial response was, and I quote, "HA HA HA HA HA"!)

    MUSHERRI -- either what one must drink in order to see things on trees and on sandwiches, OR a term of endearment from someone who didn't pay enough attention to pronunciation in French class.

  2. Personally, I think 'Brother Roger' should have kept off the Holy Metaxas and stuck around a bit longer: by now he'd probably have been made an Archbishop - if not a saint! ;-)

  3. Brother Brian, you may be right about the shrine: I note that the villa in question is no longer in the holiday brochure! However, I prefer the Metaxas to the possible promotion you suggest!
    Thine in the Light (as my Friends would say).
    Brother Roger
    (can I take the collection now?)

    ILINGL: Not allowed by the Churcjh of Perpetual Nonsense

  4. Bro Roger: I quite understand your preference for booze over preferment and I'll happily join you, but mine's a ouzo!

  5. By the way, what happened to the last collection plate...?

  6. I don't know about a Holy manifestation - it looks more like Treebeard to me.

  7. Absolutely!
    Did you know that Ents are fond of singing? There favourite song is 'I'm in the moot for love'
    singspe: What Ents would call a sing-a-long

  8. I may be very wrong but I think it looks more like Noggin the Nog.

  9. As long as it's not Nogbad the Bad. That would be... well, not good...

  10. Someone quite wise, once suggested that if you want to become rich, then invent a religion.
    Roger is well on the way to becoming extremely wealthy!

  11. Oh, David, I do hope you're right!

  12. Any and all wealth will, I imagine, be ploughed back into the greater glorification of the shrine and, of course, essential missionary activities.

  13. Quite right, Brian.

    Missionary activities planned so far have focussed on an Ascot wine bar and the bookies' enclosure at the Racecourse. Further missionary work will be undertaken on various other Greek islands and a little further afield next year. All contributions to the collection plate will, of course, be gratefully and reverentially received.
