Wednesday, 23 September 2009


Just in case (however unlikely) you happen to have a yen to meet this blogger - that's blogger - face-to-face, he is appearing in the flesh (but mercifully fully clothed) tomorrow. Here are the dire details:

in the Library at The Naval and Military Club, 4 St James's Square, London, SW1, on Thursday 24 September 2009 at 7:00 pm

I will be interviewed by JAMES NORRIS about my associations with (among others) J R R Tolkien, C S Lewis, Mervyn Peake, A A Milne, Lewis Carroll, Roald Dahl and Walt Disney.

Tickets cost £15, to include a glass of wine (well, there has to be something good about the event), and can be booked from or by phoning 0207 564 2688.


  1. Oh, how I wish I could be there! I envy those fortunate enough to meet you "in the flesh, but fully clothed".

    Have a glass of wine for me, will you? (Not that I drink wine any more, but vicarious wine-drinking works nicely...)

    sabli -- (p)Seudo-Chablis, often partaken of by those who cannot drink rabli -- Real-Chablis.

  2. And what about Waterstones' in Brussels Brian?
    dyini: a particular meet & greet come drinking/dining event where you meet a celebrity who's been eluding you for years

  3. 15 pounds just for a glass of wine?, nothing more?.... well, unfortunately I too far from London, about 1500 km.

  4. Bargain! Wish I could be there!

    Ptosmst: Ukrainian for CHEERS!

  5. We'll be there ,Brian (and the organisers say there'll be TWO glasses of wine!

    Roger O B... & Moany Sheila

    HORNS: what'll be sounding from passing cars "If you want more of Brian on radio, please honk!"

  6. SCB, SUZANNE, EUDORA and PHIL - I'm sure you'll be with us in spirit - as opposed to wine!

    ROGER & SHEILA - Lovely! But TWO glasses of wine, you say? Blimey! They must be getting desperate!

  7. No, no, Eudora - it's not £15 just for a glass or two of wine. It's £15 for the pleasure and privilege of listening to Brian speak.
    Hope it goes really well, Brian - am gutted not to be able to make it down to London for it.

  8. No, SHARON M, Eudora's right! It is £15 for the wine! And anyone with any sense would go to All Bar One where they could get a whole bottle for that money!

  9. No good announcing it now ! I would like to have gone. Hope we get to see some pictures.

  10. Aw sadly that's too far for me. Why don't you come to the opening of the Mervyn Peake exhibition at the "Maison d'Ailleurs" in Yverdon (Switzerland)on the 3rd of Oct? Hm, that gives me an idea... what if they invited you to do a talk later on? The exhibition lasts until February...

    Oh and I got my copy of "The Road Goes Ever On And On" today!Yay!

  11. Aw sadly that's too far for me. Why don't you come to the opening of the Mervyn Peake exhibition at the "Maison d'Ailleurs" in Yverdon (Switzerland)on the 3rd of Oct? Hm, that gives me an idea... what if they invited you to do a talk later on? The exhibition lasts until February...

    Oh and I got my copy of "The Road Goes Ever On And On" today!Yay!

  12. BOLL - Well, it's been on the web-site and the side-bar to this blog for over a month... :-)

    However, it will end up (hopefully) somewhere on-line so watch this space!

    DRAGONLADYCH - Couldn't make it for the 2nd but, at a later date, possibly...

  13. Of course Sharon, there is no price to enjoy the interview of Brian. But 15 pounds for a glass of wine....

    In this very moment I promise this: If I go to London some of this days I`ll go with two or three bottles of some of the best wines of Spain, for only 15 pounds. And Brian, after taste them, could tell you in his blog how was the experience.

  14. Yes, Eudora, and in all seriousness I'm not a great wine fan anyway (unless it's sweet) or I can turn it into a Tinto Verano.
    But if Brian drinks all the wine you bring him, I doubt whether he'll be capable of making a coherent comment.

  15. That's certainly TRUE!

    But, honestly, Sharon, sweet wine?! How can you? Unless, of course, it's Beaumes-de-Venise straight from the fridge...

  16. No - Asti Spumante, Hock, Liebfraumlich. You may call me a Philistine - but I don't care!

  17. No comments on the wine, but - what a good evening! It was great to hear an enthusiast talking so eloquently about his enthusiasms. And in the best traditions of show business, you left us wanting to hear more!

  18. How frightfully kind! :-)

    Actually, it was lovely to see some familiar, friendly, encouraging faces out there amongst the enemy--- sorry, audience!

  19. Damn! We were away in Southport for the magic convention and missed supporting you through these expensive glasses of wine...

    Oh well we'll just have to continue to support you through our Monday Night half price Taste London meals instead...
