Saturday, 19 December 2009


From a recent issue of Metro...

Click on image to enlarge

Thank God (if I may) for the 'National Newspaper' (don't know which one, but we can probably guess!) that began it's report on this scandalous event with the following:

"There may be no mushroom at the inn, but baby carrot Jesus is away in a mange tout in this nativity scene..."

You can see more 'offensive' images of the Baby JC (for Juicy Carrot?) on the website of World Carrot Museum


  1. Ha, I remember a thing that Mr Sibley and friends could enjoy. In Spain there is an old tradition with the nativities, we have cristhmas trees too, but the big scenes of the nativity of Jesus (Belén) are more traditional.

    In some schools the students make their own "belenes". I'm sure that Brian could enjoy this:

    (Yes, Mr Sibley!!, look who are the virgin Mary and Joseph.)

    Here, you can see another candy nativity:

  2. GILL e-mails to say...

    "I really can't imagine that Christians (unless they are utterly devoid of humour) would be offended. I would have thought people would be delighted to see a crib scene and the recognition that this is what Christmas is supposed to be about!

    "Personally I always thought that Jesus was big enough to cope with a something that makes people smile."

  3. EUDORA - Brilliant! Candy nativity scenes! And why not?! Mind you, if people get upset about Jesus being represented by a carrot, I dread to think how they would respond to Mary and Joseph being portrayed by (edible?) Minnie and Mickey Mice!

    GILL - Hear, hear!

  4. Looking around us there is plenty of evidence that God has a sense of humour so it is always a shame when people are offended on his behalf by something which to most of us is inoffensive. But at least their taking offence means that whatever it is gets plenty of publicity.

    This vegetable nativity scene looks charming and imaginative to this Christian!

  5. You're right, SHEILA, any God who could come up with the banana has to be able to see the funny side of things! And let's not even start on duck-billed platypuses...

  6. Absolutely! I am a convinced Catholic and I definitely believe God has a sense of humour - how about Chihuahua's?butsac: a Christmas crib made from sacking cloth
