Saturday 26 December 2009


Just two days left to hear (or re-hear) Miss Penelope Keith and ...And Yet Another Patridge in a Pear Tree, being my account of what happened on the Twelve Day of Christmas, by tuning into the BBC i>Player

And when you're done - or if you simply can't bear to listen to it Yet Again - here's another fun version of the seasonal song as rendered by the a capella group, Straight No Chaser...


  1. Unfortunately, I can't get iplayer here in Belgium, which is a great shame - I would simply LOVE to hear the great Penelope reading the 12 (hellish) days of Christmas! It's a good job I live alone - the laughs I get from reading it would probably disturb the non-English amongst whom I live to distraction! Thanks for that! rebrea: the special boxes now available on e-bay for unwanted Christmas presents

  2. This modern version ( rings only too true from my working days!)has been circulating on the Web this Xmas.

    Roger O. B....

    "The Twelve Bugs of Christmas"

    For the first bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    See if they can do it again.

    For the second bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    Ask them how they did it and
    See if they can do it again.

    For the third bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    Try to reproduce it
    Ask them how they did it and
    See if they can do it again.

    For the fourth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    Run with the debugger
    Try to reproduce it
    Ask them how they did it and
    See if they can do it again.

    For the fifth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    Ask for a dump
    Run with the debugger
    Try to reproduce it
    Ask them how they did it and
    See if they can do it again.

    For the sixth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    Reinstall the software
    Ask for a dump
    Run with the debugger
    Try to reproduce it
    Ask them how they did it and
    See if they can do it again.

    For the seventh bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    Say they need an upgrade
    Reinstall the software
    Ask for a dump
    Run with the debugger
    Try to reproduce it
    Ask them how they did it and
    See if they can do it again.

    For the eighth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    Find a way around it
    Say they need an upgrade
    Reinstall the software
    Ask for a dump
    Run with the debugger
    Try to reproduce it
    Ask them how they did it and
    See if they can do it again.

    For the ninth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    Blame it on the hardware
    Find a way around it
    Say they need an upgrade
    Reinstall the software
    Ask for a dump
    Run with the debugger
    Try to reproduce it
    Ask them how they did it and
    See if they can do it again.

    For the tenth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    Change the documentation
    Blame it on the hardware
    Find a way around it
    Say they need an upgrade
    Reinstall the software
    Ask for a dump
    Run with the debugger
    Try to reproduce it
    Ask them how they did it and
    See if they can do it again.

    For the eleventh bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    Say it's not supported
    Change the documentation
    Blame it on the hardware
    Find a way around it
    Say they need an upgrade
    Reinstall the software
    Ask for a dump
    Run with the debugger
    Try to reproduce it
    Ask them how they did it and
    See if they can do it again.

    For the twelfth bug of Christmas, my manager said to me
    Tell them it's a feature
    Say it's not supported
    Change the documentation
    Blame it on the hardware
    Find a way around it
    Say they need an upgrade
    Reinstall the software
    Ask for a dump
    Run with the debugger
    Try to reproduce it
    Ask them how they did it and
    See if they can do it again.

  3. SUZANNE - I will make you a copy...

    ROGER - Excellent!

  4. Why, how sweet of you Brian!
