Sunday, 14 February 2010



Love Hearts!

Image: Brian Sibley © 2010

[To view larger, click image and use 'ALL SIZES' option on flickr]


  1. I suppose I'll just have to give one of the cuddly toys an extra cuddle!

  2. Yes, SharonM, or you could spend the day treating yourself to everything YOU want! I'm going to slob around in my pyjamas, then have a long lazy bath, then watch TV... Have a good one!
    dommucri: the particular state of mind that happens to a florist when St V falls on a Sunday

  3. SHARON M - Don't those Cuddlies deserve it? After all, they are always there for us; they're never too busy to listen and they never interrupt; they are totally loyal and dependable and - since they never have 'headaches' or are 'too tired' - they are always up for a cuddle. What more could we ask......? ;)

    Long-distance hugs from your friends South of the Border.

    SUZANNE - Good for you! :) And as you, quite deservedly, do what YOU like, when and how YOU please, you've got the added satisfaction of knowing that you have NOT added to the ill-gotten gains of greedy florists and chocolatiers!

  4. Erm... my oldest and almost best friend around here happens to be a florist! But that does mean that I get special prices! And as for Belgian chocolates... well, least said soonest mended (luckily, I have absolutely no more chocolate in the house!)

  5. I like the category, "almost best friend": so near and yet so far!!

  6. I'm available to either give or receive cuddles at - my charges are very reasonable ! Unfortunately, I'll spend the whole day a university.Huh ! Bet you don't save any of those love hearts for me Mr B. I love 'em !
    Enshent: The difference between ones hopes for valentines day and the reality.

  7. I couls ask for them to cuddle back once in a while, Brian!

    Unlike you, Suzanne, I was working all day today, covering an event. But at least everyone there was so busy that there wasn't much mention of Valentine's Day.

  8. Happy Valentine's Day! I've found myself actually enjoying Valentine's Day and the lead-up to it... wonders will never cease. Hope you had a lovely day!

  9. BOLL WEAVIL - Bizarrely there actually is a! Sorry, if I'd known to liked love hearts I'd have sent them to you; I bought them for the photograph and then binned them because they've always put my teeth on edge!

    SHARON M - But, in their own way, they are cuddling you back...

    SCB - I'm delighted for you! :)
