Wednesday 17 March 2010





  1. Oh thank you, now I know more things about this saint, and in a funny way.

  2. Shame about the pigs - but what about the snakes??

  3. EUDORA - I'm sure Sheila (above) could give us a more authoritative version - although I think quite a lot of Saints' histories are veiled in the mists of mythology.

    SHEILA - Interesting, isn't it? Maybe they thought snake-killing was too gross for young viewers, whereas devouring loyal friendly pigs that have been following St P around like a couple of poodles was fine because that's a pig's lot in life! They'd obviously never read Charlotte's Web!

    By the way, what actually happened to the snakes? Do we know? Did he kill them? Or did he just banish them? And, if the latter, where did they go? Maybe they hired a boat to South America...

  4. I don't have anything in my book collection to help answer the Snake Question, but I've just had a look at online Britannia and it's a bit spooky - apparently the snakes are still lurking!!

    Legend says at that time the country was oppressed by great serpents and a host of loathsome, poisonous reptiles. Endowed with miraculous power, St. Patrick drove every snake from the land into that unfathomed pool, amid the Kerry Hills, from whence only the Last Trumpet may release them.

    If you don't like snakes, you have been warned. The Last Trumpet may release some additional surprises!

  5. A major health and safety issue, I'd say. I just hope someone's on the case.

  6. UPDATE for LATECOMERS - The video originally posted here was removed by whoever uploaded it to YouTube, so I've now removed the substance of the post that accompanied it! This explains why none of the foregoing comments now make any sense! Still, I guess that's just one of the perils of posting anything from YouTube...
