Thursday 1 April 2010


Being still very much in Ronald-Searle-appreciation-mode on account of the fact that I'm currently preparing my talk for The Cartoon Museum on Searle as an illustrator (Wednesday 28 April at 6:30, see side-bar, right for details, come if you can), I decided to turn to Mr S for an appropriate posting for today which is, of course---

April 1st


Here's how they marked this day in that noble establishment for the education of the fairer sex, St Trinian's...

All Fools Day (at St Trinian's)

"Bless my soul! Prunella!"
"Bless my soul! Prunella!"

"I'll give her practical science."
"I'll give her practical science."

"Yah! April fo-ol!"
"Yah! April Fo-ol!"

"Come in, Miss Tonks, I'm reading."
"Come in, Miss Tonks, I'm reading."

Cartoons © by Ronald Searle, 1948, from The Female Approach, with masculine sidelights uploaded via my flickr Photostream.

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