Thursday, 3 November 2011


There seem to have been a lot of Hallowe'en parties last weekend – on Saturday night we were passed by a car carrying Frankenstein's Monster and the Wolfman and I was slightly surprised to see a six-foot banana waiting at a bus stop – and, goodness knows, things don't get much scarier than that!

Anyway, for the next occasion on which such invites come your way, let me recommend these stylishly grisly accessories which I spotted in (of all unlikely places) the sleepy seaside town of Hastings...

Monster Bag 1

Monster Bag 2

On reflection, I might get one of the bottom bags as a carry-on – just in case I ever have to travel though Los Angeles airport again!

Monstrous bags and other Goth delights are available from Equilibrium, 55 George Street, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3EE
Tel: 01424 200116


  1. If you did get one of these monstrosities for air travel, I'd ditch the bows if I were you!
