Monday, 5 December 2011


Today is the 110th birthday of Walter Elias (better known as Walt) Disney...

Last Saturday, I should have been in Manchester with my good friend Robin Allan, author of the wonderfully illuminating Walt Disney and Europe, for 'A Day of Disney' to celebrate the memory of one of the most compelling legacies in worldwide popular culture. With all the 'stuff' life is currently chucking at us, I sadly missed this event which Robin and I launched together many years ago.

So, belatedly for Robin, and for Uncle Walt on the actual date that commemorates his birth in 1901, here's an appropriate birthday greeting...

Caricature of Walt Disney by Vizcarra.


  1. Wow! 110 happy years!

  2. Wonderful to celebrate the birth of a man who brought such happiness to so many!

    Our family didn't get to many movies, as we lived out in the country, but I do remember the very first movie I ever saw, and it was a Disney movie, a re-release of Pinocchio. (And to ensure I spelled that correctly just now, I sang the spelling from the song in the movie!)

    When we got a TV, watching The Wonderful World of Color (in black and white) became a weekly ritual.

    So much delight! And to think it started with one imaginative man, and a mouse.

  3. If he was still alive, he would be a super-centenarian.
