Friday, 21 September 2012


It's a day for celebration! Pass the mushrooms, please...

It's seventy-five years ago, today, since J R R Tolkien's The Hobbit was first published.

So, this is a good day to enjoy a 'second breakfast'...

 While you are enjoying your Second Breakfast, try and imagine what expectations Stanley Unwin, the book's original publisher, had for The Hobbit back in 1937. It was obviously a speculative venture – the initial print run was for 1,500 copies which, we now know, was ludicrously conservative.

The book's success was fairly instantaneous garnering excellent reviews including one by  C S Lewis in The Times:

The truth is that in this book a number of good things, never before united, have come together: a fund of humour, an understanding of children, and a happy fusion of the scholar's with the poet's grasp of mythology... The professor has the air of inventing nothing. He has studied trolls and dragons at first hand and describes them with that fidelity that is worth oceans of glib "originality." 

Now, 75 years on, we are about to witness a new interpretation of the story from Middle-earth's official filmmaker...


Unfortunately, you can no longer watch the clip below because Warner Brothers, given the choice of seeing their new trailer for the movie go viral OR have it taken down from YouTube have–––– Yes! Had it removed! Home goal, Warners!

Never mind, if you still REALLY want to see it and (despite the above) I would if I were you... Try and watch it HERE!

And, whatever your reactions to the latest Jackson trailer, just be thankful (and this is a Disney aficionado writing) that, back in 1972, nothing came of the Disney Studio's attempts at a Hobbit film project from which these are recently revealed examples of preliminary artwork...

And, don't forget (if you in or near London) tonight's celebration of 'The Hobbit at 75' at the British Library...

Caricature of Tolkien by Vladymyr Lukash


  1. Ian McKellen's voice alone would make me want to see the film. Roll on winter - and I don't say that very often!

  2. Terrific caricature.

    I really must read The Hobbit again before the film comes out - it's been a long time since I last visited it.

    Enjoy the celebrations - and the Breakfast (though not too much).

  3. Suzanne – How right you! Though not sure about wishing winter here!

    Sharon – A chance would be a fine thing! I haven't even had FIRST Breakfast!!

  4. A great evening, Brian (even for a non-Tolkein enthusiast like me)> Flattered to be on the "guest list" (now I know how Posh 'n' Becks feel), it was good to hear you & David in full dramatic flow and to see Professor Adam Roberts, as well (I remember him as a callow post-doc starting at Royal Holloway!). You should have plugged your Hobbit book, though, as well as using the mockup as a folder!

  5. Has another spat broken out over releases? The video has been taken down.

    Oh well, not long to wait for the whole thing.

  6. Roger – Glad you enjoyed it! Hope you found a moment to speak to AR... Interesting guy. Yes, I suppose I should have shamelessly plugged the book, but – you know what? – I'd rather people said that, than said how appallingly crass it was of me to keep pushing my book... :)

    Woman – No, just Warners not wanting the trailer anywhere but on their site. The clue is in the name of the thing, Warners, it's a TRAILER!!!!

  7. I really enjoyed the Hobbit at 75. Having been introduced to Tolkien by Bernard Cribben's Jackanory I still believe it is at its best being read aloud well - and the readings on Friday confirmed that for me.

    I have loved your Radio series for thirty years now and I am very grateful for your endless patience answering so many questions about it on the Barrow Downs a few years ago. Also that you very kindly signed an autograph for me at the behest of my friend Liz at Loughborough.

    All good wishes, Alex (AKA Mithalwen on the Barrow Downs)
