Tuesday, 18 December 2012


As we hurtle towards the Christmas Pantomime season–––

"Oh, no, we don't!" –– "Oh, yes, we DO!"

–––here's a revisionist treatment on some of those fairy-tales that are so beloved by panto producers. These American versions (as you can see from this picture of Jack and his outsize beanstalk ) are  particularly notable for –– a marked absence of pants!

The following saucy re-writes of our childhood fantasies are from Happy Endings, this year's 'Broadway Bares' burlesque show: a fundraiser for the organization, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, a non-profit organisation, based in New York, created as the theatre community's response to the AIDS crisis.

'Broadway Bares' was founded in 1992 by American theatre director and choreographer Jerry Mitchell and, to date, its events have raised over $5 million.

So, well done them and let's ring up the festive curtain on...

Cinderella (or, should that be Sinderella?)...

Little Red Riding Hood ('It's behind you!')...

The Emperor's New Clothes ('It's behind him!')...

Puss in Boots ('Watch out, Mice!')...

Snow White (and... er... the Garden Gnomes?)...

Not to mention Snow's perennial nemesis, the Wicked Queen...

Rapunzel (The last to let you down!)...

Goldilocks and the Three Bears (but which one is Baby Bear?)...

And Sleeping Beauty (who is, poor girl, clearly tired out from reading too many books late at night!)...


  1. About time we had some pantsoffmime!
    Love it Brian - Merry Christmas!

  2. Oh my goodness, no men in pants blogs for months and a veritable feast today - Christmas has indeed come early (or in my case, Chanucah has been extended a little).

  3. I'm really glad you didn't go for the obvious, if notorious, pantimime line from Whittington & his Cat:
    "Five miles from London and still no sign of Dick".

  4. Suzanne and SharonM – Happy to oblige, ladies!

    Roger – I didn't NEED to go for the obvious: I knew I could safely leave that to you! :0
