Sunday, 23 December 2012


May I ask you a possibly tricky question? Have you started doing up those presents yet?  

Do you find yourself asking, 'Why do we do this every year?' Well, of course, the answer is simple: because the very first Christmas was marked by the giving of gifts brought to the new born Jesus by wise men... 

Anyway If you are contemplating grappling with unruly rolls of gift-paper and unraveling spools of ribbon, here's a little playlet to pass ten-minutes while you are trying to find the end of the sticky-tape...

It is an adaptation I made many years ago for BBC Schools Radio of O Henry's famous story, The Gift of the Magi...


Images: 'The Adoration of the Magi' by Quentin Massys, 1526.


  1. Love your adaptation and the music...

    Brian, every year I admire to see how you live Christmas. You give us many wonderful stories, they are your gifts for us: your readers. Thank you

  2. Lovely. Thank you, Brian, and thank you for the gifts you give us all year round, as Eudora said. Hope you and David have a very happy Christmas!
