Tuesday, 19 March 2013


It would be nice if the BBC thought to tell a writer that one of their vintage works was getting an airing on Radio 4 Extra, but, then, they probably think I'm dead!

Anyway, courtesy of a pal (thanks for the heads-up, Michael!), I now know that my three-part dramatisation of John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress is being re-broadcast starting this morning at 10:00 am.

Bunyan's allegory on the journey of life is framed with the story of the author's trials and periods of imprisonment for 'holding unlawful religious assemblies' that began in 1660 and lasted for twelve years. During that time, Bunyan (incarcerated in Bedford Gaol) penned his most famous work, The Pilgrim's Progress, from This World to That Which is to Come.

Anton Rodgers plays John Bunyan, Neil Dudgeon is Christian and the starry supporting cast includes Anna Massey, Alec McCowan, Don Warrington, Anna Massey, Peter Bowles and Derek Waring.

You'll find programme details here and following each day's broadcast the episodes can be listened to again, on-line, via iPlayer for the next seven days.


  1. I listened to Episode One at 3pm yesterday and hope to catch up with the second half today; what a stellar cast!

  2. I heard all three episodes and was brought to tears when they were talking about despair. This is an amazing piece of work and I really appreciate the production. It painted a wonderful picture and I'm privileged to have heard it on the wonderful BBC. Keep up the good, no great work

  3. ...and I managed the "third half" (!) yesterday as well. great production (of course!).
