Wednesday, 6 March 2013


Somebody recently made a favourite of this photo from my flicker photostream. Following a two-day storm on the Canaveral Coast of Florida in 1999, the wind and rain suddenly abated and I got up at dawn to watch the sun rise over the sea.

Sitting on the deserted but still rain-sodden sand, I was rewarded by the company of  this lone heron engaged on an early morning fishing expedition: a beautiful encounter that I will never forget...


  1. Lovely photo. It would make a good image for the bathroom ...

    But your typo begs the question: is a lone loan heron less dangerous than a lone loan shark?

  2. I'm not surprised someone made it a favourite - what a terrific photo!

    I feel a tad jealous that I wasn't on the beach with you to share the moment.

  3. Sheila – It would, if it had been taken on a better camera because it could have then been suitably enlarged, but alas...

    Thanks for pointing out the typo, sadly I have had to correct it!

    Sharon – You would have been most welcome, though it was not just pretty but also pretty cold and damp!

  4. I love the way that Herons always walk forward in typical Marx Brothers style - as if those feet will make any the less noise in the shallows and his prey will be unaware of his arrival.I guess it must work to some degree or they would be extinct but if you ever see one pulling his head out of water after a less successful attempt, you will see he looks almost embarassed !

  5. Boll - I love your description! Perfect!
