Monday 2 February 2015


When cartoonist Mark Boxer died of a brain tumour in 1988, at the absurdly early age of 57, he had, nevertheless, achieved a remarkable legacy in the world of journalism...

He had been Editor of Lilliput, Art Director of Queen, Founding Editor of the Sunday Times Colour Supplement and Editor of Tattler.

Not only that, but he had succeeded in forging a career as one of Britain's most noted cartoonists and caricaturists in a range of publications using the pen name...

Marc's cartoons are the subject of a new exhibition at The Cartoon Museum in London. On show are examples of his 'Pocket Cartoons' that delighted readers first in The Times and then The Guardian. Created with George Melly they use minimalist line and have typewritten captions – a precaution against tampering by editors!

The exhibition additionally features Marc's brilliantly observed caricatures: spot-on pen portraits of royalty, politicians, literary figures, theatre, entertainment and media figures...

Also on show are many of his cover designs for the paperback edition of Anthony Powell's 'Dance to the Music of Time' novels...

The exhibition, Marc: The Caricatures and Cartoons of Mark Boxer continues until 22 March at–––

The Cartoon Museum
35 Little Russell Street
0207 580 8155

Opening Hours:
Monday - Saturday: 10:30 - 17:30
(including Bank Holidays)
Sunday: 12:00 - 17:30

Admission Prices:
Adults:     £7
Conc:       £5
Student:   £3
Under-18s, registered disabled and carer: Free
(Children 12 or under must be accompanied by an adult)

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