Tuesday, 2 June 2015


The absolutely ONLY way in which to eat that otherwise most unpleasant vegetable, the aubergine: slice it, batter it, deep fry it and serve it with Kalymnian honey and cinnamon. Perfect!


  1. Brian - that looks wonderful, but have you ever tried it roasted with just a bit of Extra Virgin Greek Olive Oil and Salt? Wonderful!

  2. OK... I'll give it a go... I know you wouldn't mislead me!! :)

  3. I always do that olive oil and fry them until really almost charred. It needs a ton of oil until the aubergines are really soft, so not very healthy. And I learned the batter version from my grandmother years ago.
    All Indian recipes with aubergines are great, so it's always been one of my favourite vegetables.

  4. I know I'll never convert you to love of the aubergine (egg plant for our American readers)but you haven't lived if you haven't tasted Imam Bayildi - aubergine shoes with special filling and bechamel topping.
