Friday, 13 May 2016


FRIDAY 13...?

What better day to celebrate my blog's TENTH BIRTHDAY?

Since 13 May 2006 this blog has featured 1920 posts (including this one) and received 9368 published comments –– thanks to YOU!!

It is true that recently I have been somewhat seduced away from blogging by that coy mistress, Facebook, but I still enjoy coming back here, once in a while, where so many weird and wonderful, delightful and dubious things have been celebrated and where, over the years, so many friendships have been made!


  1. Happy birthday!

  2. Yes, I'm afraid I read much of your stuff on facebook now as well but I confess to having copied great chunks of this blog to put with the works they refer to on my never-ending computer database so it is still an invaluable resource as well as a right riveting read. Happy birthday !

  3. Thanks, Boll! I guess Facebook is either the more instantaneous or the more lazy form of blogging depending on your POV. I enjoyed the days of crafting a blog post and, unlike Facebook, it is searchable!
