One such recent discovery for us was this unopened bar of Kendal Mint Cake which David purchased in the Lake District some years ago...
How many years ago? Well, if the last entry on legend of the back of the wrapper listing the expeditions that have taken KMC with them is anything to go by... was probably purchased 33 years ago!

Hello Brian,Unfortunately, we couldn't take them up on this offer since (as you can see from pack) David's KMC was not a Romney's product, but was manufactured by one of their rivals, Quiggins. So, I contacted their website and their man, Stuart, responded:
We are amazed that you have an unopened bar of our Mint Cake from 1979 in your possesion!
If it is one of our George Romney Ltd or Wipers bars, please send it to us and we will gladly replace it with a new one that you can enjoy.
As Mint Cake is nearly all sugar it will be edible. I would not recommend eating it myself and imagine it will be just like rock and therefore good for nothing apart from breaking your teeth!!!Tempting as it is to see if it will (pardon the upcoming pun) make a mint in the second-hand marketplace, we've decided to hang on to it for future emergencies – such as the stresses yet to be undergone during the eventual move back into our old flat!
The local antique shop might be the best bet or even eBay!!
You can read more about Kendal Mint Cake here.
I'm heading off to Windermere tomorrow morning (parents' 65th Anniversary celebration). I could have taken it back for you and tried for a refund.
Hopefully you are at last ensconced in your temporary home.
I'm guessing my unexpected parcel came from the clear out of the Sibley residence and it's much appreciated ! Thank you so much ! A truly fabulous find for me in this anniversary year. It comes on the very day we're putting together a display case in Nottingham about local residents with a connection to the Titanic. The most notable is Mr Cottam, the wireless officer of The Carpathia who was born just three miles down the road from our house. It's a small world !
Sharon - Damn! What a missed opportunity! :)
I am in the new flat and (at last) writing again; David (poor love) soldiers on at the old flat clearing and packing. This has been, without doubt, the most traumatic experience of our not exactly short lives...
Boll Weavil - Glad we could find a good and appreciative home for them. Hope your birthday offering also reached you - it was sent (possibly) in the midst of a huge upheaval but it may, actually, have got packed in a moving crate instead...
How much is the equivalent Kendal Mint Cake today? A lot more than 38p, I bet.
Just think, "new money" had only been in use for 8 years when David bought this item!
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