Sunday, 22 April 2007


Many apologies for the delay in posting of the results of my Brought to Book Competition but...

...the WINNER is:

VAT returns and mouse-hunting in the kitchen.

No! Sorry! Those are the reasons for the delay in posting the results!

Enough said… You really don’t need to know!

Anyway, here -- finally -- are the results!

There was, I have to report, a low level of submissions (despite all the pleas for competitions about books instead of films) and in fact I received just EIGHT offerings from FOUR entrants. But, needless to say, quality stuff!

Entrants were asked to pitch the plot of a book (in twelve words of less) and GOOD DOG and GILL share FIRST place with these pithy pitches…

Orphans! Abortions! War! Incest! It's all about apples and pairs!


Abused child, madwoman, virgin bride, arson, religion and sex!

While SECOND place goes to BOLL WEAVIL (the artist formerly known as SCROOGE) for this proposition:

Strong plot, original ending but maybe open to misinterpretation.

But which books are so described?

Below are ALL the submissions - with, I note a healthy tendency towards such topics as sex and abuse! - conveniently numbered for the benefit of anyone who wants to have a stab at identifying the volumes in question:

1) Orphans! Abortions! War! Incest! It's all about apples and pairs! (Good Dog)

2) Abused child, madwoman, virgin bride, arson, religion and sex! (Gill)

3) Strong plot, original ending but maybe open to misinterpretation. (Boll Weavil)

4) Ancient tales, human sacrifice, miracles and the end of the world. (Gill)

5) Abused child, robber baron, family secrets, a martyred woman, happy ending. (Gill)

6) Sex bestiality and fairies in the woods, happy ever after in town. (Gill)

7) Wobbly furniture of the world, rejoice! (Boll Weavil)

8) A journey from childhood to independence, for anyone on that journey themselves. (Qenny)

Answers shortly --- subject to VAT men and, as Mr Jinx would say, Meeces!


  1. As I was saying yesterday...
    Number 1 has to be The Cider House Rules and number 2 Jane Eyre.
    No idea what any of the others arethough!

  2. No comments allowed on your St George's post?

  3. Seems to be a New Blogger thing... Comments now enabled...

  4. You think yourself lucky. Everytime I post a comment, I have to go through the whole registration thing again !
