Wednesday, 25 June 2008


Jacques Yves Cousteau once said...
No aquarium, no tank in a marine land, however spacious it may be, can begin to duplicate the conditions of the sea. And no dolphin who inhabits one of those aquariums or one of those marine lands can be considered normal.
And that must, I guess, also apply to a fountain - even if it is decorated with - er - dolphins...

Image: © Brian Sibley, 2008


  1. Damn, it's about dolphins... you got me all excited there.I thought it was a special offer...

  2. No, he doesn't look a happy chappie and is somewhat out of his depths!

  3. BOLL - Special offer? Sorry, don't understand... ;-)

    LISAH - This tragic event took place in Brighton, so what I found particularly sad was that this little chap had been abandoned in a fountain only a few hundred yards from the open sea!

    No wonder he looks 'blue'...

  4. I'm sure the title of the Blog must have been used for jokes or sketches of various kinds by now - it's just too tempting. Not that Brian understands what we mean, of course.

  5. Lisah - I'm sure no one would stoop so low to make such obvious puns. I think there is an appropriate quotation at the end of 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' which translates as 'evil comes to him that thinks evil, however he invariably wins the caption competition'
