Monday, 23 June 2008


Overheard recently in the showroom of a gallery specialising in exquisite (and exquisitely expensive) glass sculpture:

WOMAN (to Salesperson):
Yes, yes... it
is very beautiful... But, you see, the trouble is, our cleaning lady is something of a one-woman demolition squad!

Sculpture (not the one under discussion, but exquisite nonetheless): 'Wave of Spheres' by J D C Roman at Luna Angelica


  1. Cleaning ladies often operate in the same physical proximity and space as other people but in a different dimension. Our vaults are crammed with priceless and irreplaceable parchments from the last 1,000 years of human history.The temperature is kept at a pre-set optimum level at all times and humidity is closely monitored.All areas are scrutinsed by a team of highly-qualified staff using extremely expensive equipment to ensure nothing can contaminate the area which could be remotely harmful to the documents.The cleaning lady though, whilst operating inside this controlled zone, is obviously not subject to the same restrictions so if she wants to have a quick fag behind any of those old boxes (and set off all the alarms which causes an evacuation of the building) or even eat a cheese sandwich, she's damn well going to do it...lvdxq

  2. In view of your Time And Relative Dimension In Space description of the unstoppable force that is the average cleaner, maybe Russell T Davies should give up on Daleks and have Dr Who confronted by an army of malignant cleaning ladies...

  3. What a way to say 'I can't afford it!'

  4. I just say: "Sorry, but it simply wouldn't go with our Lalique collection!"

  5. We had one of those when I was a child - a disaster-prone cleaning lady, I mean. She broke everything: the lamp in my bedroom; the vacuum cleaner; several floor tiles, etc. etc. etc. She was very nice, though, and apologetic, LOL!, so my parents carried on employing her.

    Nice piece of glass!
